b'22American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comaccordingtoU.S.ArmyCorpsofward, promising to deliver a rebuilt Engineers tonnage reports. dockwitharoll-on,roll-offberth. Opening of Cameron LNGs liq- Also, seven smaller warehouses are uefied natural gas facility, on propertybeing replaced with one continuous leasedfromtheportdistrictalong176,000-square-foot warehouse.the channel in Hackberry, has helped propel the region into the worlds topP ort ofc Addo -b oSSierspot for LNG exports, while lumberAt the head of navigation on the imports,riceexportsandrawcokeRedRiverWaterwayinNorthwest exportsareamongcommoditiesLouisiana, 212 miles from the Mis-enjoying recent tonnage increases atsissippi River, the multimodal Port of the Port of Lake Charles. Caddo-Bossier looks to benefit from Theporthascompleteda$30BENTELER Steel/Tube Manufactur-millionberthimprovementprojecting Corp.s newly announced plan to andadded100,000squarefeetofexpand its Shreveport presence with tension-fabricbuildingsatitsCityconstruction of a $21 million thread-Docks,wherea$130millionberthingfacilityforhot-rolledseamless and transit shed replacement projectsteel tubes, to be online by the end A new $31 million, 176,000-square-foot warehouse advances toward targeted late 2024 the most ambitious undertaking inof 2026.completion at Southwest Louisianas bustling Port of Lake Charles. theportshistoryismovingfor- (SWELLINGcontinued on page 34)(SWELLINGcontinued fromsion is moving toward completion by page 21) late summer 2026. At that time, the innovative dredging techniques underPortofMorganCitylookstohave arecentlyextendedagreementwithmore than 30 acres available for use, Brice Civil Constructors Inc. including 11 waterfront acres, water-Aconsistent20-foot-deepchan- frontdockareaof1,900linearfeet neltotheGulfofMexicomadeand a laydown area of 500,000 square possiblethroughtheAtchafalayafeet2 1/2 times the current 200,000 River and Bayous Boeuf, Black andsquare feet.Chene projectfurnishes support for agriculture,traditionalandrenew- P ort ofl Akec hArleSable energies and various innovativePositionedalongtheCalcasieu projects,plusprovidesindustrytheRiverShipChannelinSouthwest ability to bid on additional maritimeLouisiana,theLakeCharlesHarbor defense contracts, according to Port of&TerminalDistrictsPortofLake Morgan City officials. Charles has put hurricanes and other Meanwhile, the ports East Dockweather disasters of earlier this decade expansionhasjustbeencompleted,behind it and, with record cargo vol-800 Youngs Road Terminal expansionumes,hasmovedintotheNo.10At the Port of Caddo-Bossier, domestic steel coils are unloaded from a barge using a 60-ton-is continuing and West Dock expan- position among U.S. deepwater ports,capacity, twin-hoist cantilever bridge crane.Americas top-10 port. Ideal for breakbulk.The Port of Lake Charles in Louisiana, the No. 10 U.S. deepwater seaport, is the choice of shippers worldwide for breakbulk, specialty, and project cargoranging from international lumber shipments to global industrial needs. Efficient access is offered by the 40-foot-deep Calcasieu Ship Channel. The Port of Lake Charles offers: City Docks: General cargo facilities with 12 deepwater berths that can accommodate 12 vessels simultaneously, plus ample covered and open storage space. The complex spans 200 acres.Bulk Terminal No. 1: Dry bulk terminal with a 2,200-foot-long wharf and a 40-foot projected depth at dockside. The facility can accommodate two vessels for loading and unloading simultaneously. Transfers are from vessel to vessel, vessel to truck, or to open storage.PortLC.comReach out to
[email protected] and lets talk about how we can meet your shipping needs.'