The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) announced a toll rate increase of 1.0% for the 2018 navigation season.
The New Business Incentive and the Gateway Incentive programs will continue for the 2018 navigation season and serve as examples of the SLSMC striving to keep costs down to encourage business development. Bruce Hodgson, Director of Market Development for the SLSMC noted that, “over the past ten years, $36.3 million in new business has been generated as part of ongoing efforts to diversify our commodity base”. The incentive programs have been an integral component in attracting business into the Great Lakes/Seaway System. “The recently introduced Gateway Incentive provides a stimulus for shippers to save by switching the movement of their cargo to the Great Lakes”, explained Bruce.
“We have consistently kept toll increases below CPI, while continuing to invest and reduce costs”, said Terence Bowles, President and CEO of the SLSMC. “This is critical to providing a reliable and competitive gateway for our customers, and we will continue to address these areas on an ongoing basis”, he added.